Build A New Pool
Six Steps to Timeless Elegance
Let’s Start With Purpose!
Step by step, we’ll guide you through the pool-building process, working with your architect, engineer and landscape designer, or if you prefer, through one of our professional associates.
The personal attention we give you at all stages of The Six-Stage Process below is intrinsic to the culture of our company. Our dedicated team of craftsmen, engineers and managers are committed to achieving and maintaining the highest standards of professionalism. This has made Morgan Pools the swimming pool industry’s benchmark of excellence.
But before we get started, we’ll discuss your dreams, ideas and plans with you, and the first thing we need to know is, what do you want to use your pool for? It’s a simple enough question but there can be many reasons. Our focus is on your reason.
After we determine your purpose, we then look at the constraints of the site.
This will influence design.
Contours, shape, size, and budget are all impacted by the site. We don’t sell a pool on the basis that it will add value to your home, rather we emphasise the pleasure it will add to the enjoyment of your home.
The Six-Stage Process
1. We Start By Listening
2. We Do Some Initial Design
3. We Provide An Estimate
Once all the relevant information is received, at the costing stage we will provide you with a written estimate/quote that is valid for 90 days.
Our estimate/quotation will specify what is included but also what is not included. This is probably the most important part of the estimate/quotation that you need if you are making comparisons between quotations from other companies. It’s here some of the differences emerge between quotations, and can be difficult to interpret. We can help provide an honest assessment between quotations if needed. It generally boils down to three things: quality of materials & equipment installed; what’s included/not included in the base price; and the level of support you receive before and during construction, and after the project is completed.
On acceptance of the written, itemised estimate/quotation, a contract is drawn-up & signed, and a deposit invoice is raised & paid. Then your prestigious Morgan pool is entered into our programming schedule while we wait for a building consent.
4. Dotting I's & Crossing T's
At the engineering & consent stage, engineering plans are drawn up by a qualified structural engineer. This might also involve an architect’s plans for any building modifications required.
The plans are then lodged with your Council for a Building Consent and if required, a Resource Consent.
5. We Start The Work
The construction stage is when your dream, ideas and purpose become a reality, and your prestigious Morgan pool is built.
Most pool projects will sit within the Morgan Pools Five-Stage Construction Programme, which will be created and provided to you at a Construction Overview Meeting once the building consent has been submitted to Council*.
The construction of your Morgan pool will be co-ordinated so that each crew member or contractor involved knows the stage at which their input will be required. Construction will commence when all the above steps have been completed and signed off by the relevant authorities and contractors.
Landscaping of the surrounds is generally co-ordinated during the construction phase, Morgan Pools will liaise with the landscape contractor to ensure a successful outcome.
*The Morgan Pools Five-Stage Construction Programme is a proprietary & confidential document that can only be supplied once we have entered into an agreement.
6. You Enjoy Your Pool!
On completion of your new Morgan pool, we will commission the pool/s and formally hand over to you.
As part of the commissioning of the pool we will start up all the equipment to ensure it is working to the manufacturers specifications. We will do the programming necessary for any technology installed, and we will do a full water balancing procedure to ensure the pool is perfect for your first swim.
We will also provide full training, along with manuals, to give you clear understanding and instruction on maintaining your Morgan pool, including the filtration, lighting and sanitising systems. If selected, we will also train you in the use of any heating and/or automation systems.
Once everything has been completed Justin and/or Peter will formally hand the pool over to you and offer you ongoing advice and assistance should this be required.
Our workmanship is backed by Morgan Pools five (5) year structural integrity warranty plus manufacturers guarantees and warranties for all equipment and interior finish. Full details of our guarantees and warranties are found on our contract. Please contact your consultant for a copy of the contract.
Download the Morgan Pools New Pool Six-Step Process (PDF)
Answers For Your Questions
I’ve never built a pool before. Which type should I have?
A number of factors will determine which type of pool you should have, such as design, site constraints, budget, and how long you intend to be at the existing property.
What is the best type of pool?
Each type of pool has its own advantages and disadvantages. We recommend concrete pools, as they are the strongest, most structurally sound, and last the longest. They are also renowned for versatility of design, shape and size, and by the types of materials and colours that can be used to finish the pool. A well-built concrete pool can cope with the most difficult site. Another advantage is that in 20 or 30 years’ time concrete pools can be remodelled to contemporary styles using modern materials.
Is a concrete pool more expensive?
Yes. A concrete pool is engineer-designed and constructed for a long life. A lot more goes into this type of structure compared with a pre-formed pool. Our concrete pools are built on site by experienced pool builders, working to fully consented architectural and engineering plans.
Do you build only residential pools?
Although more than 90 percent of our pools are residential, we have built pools for hotels, resorts and other commercial enterprises.
How long does it take to build a concrete pool?
This will vary with the type of site, the design of both the pool and landscape. At Morgan Pools we specialise in putting the whole project together and co-ordinating not just the pool but the design and landscape as well to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience for our clients.
Do you build during winter?
Yes, Morgan Pools can handle any stage of the pool-building process at any time of the year.
How long can I wait to make final decisions on things like tiles, coping and plaster?
We appreciate that making decisions in these areas is significant and can mean the difference between your project looking amazing or not. However the longer it takes to make those decisions could make the target final completion date later than hoped. Most pool finishing products are imported into New Zealand from all over the world. International shipping has become less predictable in terms of definite timelines these days. We estimate that a product from Italy or Spain or USA will take approximately three months. Ordering as early as possible gives us a better chance of it arriving on time. Also, we would encourage you to select what you want rather than what will get your project completed faster. We believe it is better to wait than be disappointed with your second choice.
Can you give me a cast iron guarantee of when my pool will be finished? If not, why not?
Because we are dealing with multiple factors, whether it is a new build or a simple renovation, it is difficult to put a stake in the ground on a certain date. It certainly becomes clearer as the project moves into the second half of the process so here is a list of considerations you need to bear in mind:
- Weather – it’s nearly always about the weather. Unless fully covered there are some things that cannot be done in the rain
- Other site work (e.g. new house build or renovations)
- Delivery of key items like tiles, coping and plaster which needs to be imported
- We came across something unexpected like a leak; an unforeseen collapse of excavation; major degradation in the condition of the original structure (when remodelling); or we hit a public drain that was not specified on the drawings.
- Major Health and Safety risk or breach; or an order to stand down because of the discovery of asbestos or lead for example.
- Change in the architectural drawings, engineering plans and therefore consents.
- Unforeseen Morgan Pools resource depletion
- Breach of contract by one or other party
One hiccup in a related, or even unrelated area, can have significant impact on a project. Having said that, one of our commitments is to keep as close to target dates as possible. In most cases there is a way around an issue, and our crew are used to pressure and we do everything we can to deliver your finished project on-time.
Can I provide my own architect’s design to Morgan Pools?
Yes. We build to either a supplied design or you can choose one of professional associates.
Do I need both a Building Consent and a Resource Consent?
Every new pool requires a Building Consent. Not every new pool requires a Resource Consent. We can guide you through the process.
My home already has a pool, but it needs a makeover. Do you carry out renovations?
Yes, we have a wealth of experience in remodelling and renovating existing pools. See our Remodel page for further information.
How much maintenance does an inground pool require and how hard is it to learn?
When we construct your pool, one of our objectives is to ensure your pool is as maintenance and hassle-free as possible. The days of spending hours looking after your pool and mixing up chemicals are long gone. We use state of the art automatic sensing and dosing systems that will ensure perfectly clear safe water to swim in – with an absolute minimum of involvement from you. We use the latest automatic pool sweeps that can deal with the leafiest of situations. We want you to have more time to enjoy your pool, not be a slave to it, and will design and build it with this in mind.
What does the warranty cover and how long is it for?
On completion of your pool project, we stand by our five (5) year structural integrity warranty, which is written into our contract.
All equipment and pool finishes come with warranties, all with varying terms and conditions. These are provided after installation, usually when the pool is in the process of being handed over.
What are the different types of finishes?
These days we are spoilt for choice. Interior finishes range from Marble Plaster to specialist pool plasters such as Hydrazzo, with the ultimate finish being a fully tiled pool. These options are determined by colour preference and budget.
What type of heating should I have?
Most pools are heated these days and there are a number of options available, ranging from gas and solar to electric heat pumps. The type you choose will depend on your own situation and this will be discussed in depth during the design and costing stages.
Enquire About A Consultation
Interested in learning more about building a Morgan pool at your residence? Please complete the following form and a consultant will be in touch.